
The Michigan Transportation Planning Association is a voluntary association of public organizations and agencies that are responsible for the administration of transportation planning activities throughout the State of Michigan.

About Us

The Association dedicates itself to professional development and the improvement of urban transportation planning in Michigan.  These dual goals are achieved by providing educational opportunities for, and fostering communication among, the practitioners of urban transportation planning in Michigan.

The Association shall serve as a bona-fide purchasing agent to act on behalf of its members in acquisitions that will benefit the purposes of its members.


Jeff Franklin, Director

Battle Creek Area Transportation Study (BCATS)

601 Avenue A., Springfield, MI 49037

Phone: (269) 963-1158

Email: franklinj@bcatsmpo.org


Ally Racisz, Planner II

Southeast Michigan Council of Governments (SEMCOG)

1001 Woodward Suite 1400, Detroit, MI 48226

Phone: (313) 654-1518

Email: racisz@semcog.org


Anton Schauerte, Transportation Planner

Washtenaw Area Transportation Study (WATS)

200 N. Main Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48104

Phone: (734) 994-3127

Email: schauertea@miwats.org